An unaged single grape grappa from the Villa de Varda distillery in Trentino, Northern Italy.
Villa de Varda use high quality, extremely fresh pomace to create their grappa. This time they’ve chosen pomace from the Pinot Grigio grape. Pinto Grigio is a highly popular white wine grape (the grape itself is a purplish colour). In Italy, the grape is mostly used to produce dry white wine with a higher acidity and some slight spice.
This pomace has been fermented with Villa de Varda’s selection of yeasts, and distilled in copper discontinuous stills.
As an unaged grappa, this offers a vivid flavour of the grape, with notes of dry wine, acidic grape, lemon, lychee, rose, almond, and peppery alcoholic spice.
A great grappa to sharpen the appetite before a meal.