A lovely Martinique rum from Neisson, the name of this bottling literally translates as “raised under wood”.
This is a Rhum Agricole made with the fermented juice of the pressed sugar cane, which typically gives a grassier, more fragrant style of rum compared to molasses based spirits. Neisson use sugar cane grown in the area surrounding their distillery for this rum.
The bottling has been aged in large oak barrels for around 18 months, giving it just enough time to take the edge off the new make and imbue a little complexity and flavour to the rum’s natural character.
Despite its youthful age, this rum offers surprising complexity of flavour, with intense notes of vanilla, nutmeg, mango, banana, green sugar cane, warm hay, green apples, a touch of yeasty funk, caramel, clean citrus fruit and light oak.
A good mixing Agricole, this is just complex enough to drink neat or over ice.