Back in 2007, a remarkable discovery occurred in Antarctica, when whisky left by Sir Ernest Shackleton’s renowned and unfortunate expedition to the frozen land was uncovered. The esteemed blender, Richard “The Nose” Paterson, put to work all his guile and creativity to recreate this blend, using stock available nowadays. In doing so, he raised £250,000 for the Antarctic Heritage Trust. He was then tasked with creating a second edition bottling by the charity and Shackleton’s granddaughter, Alexandra. This was timed to concur with Tim Jarvis’ Shackleton Epic – a dedicated and authentic recreation of Shackleton’s Antarctic Journey.
In creating this whisky, Paterson sought out some of the very finest malt whiskies available, using a rare cask of Glen Mhor distilled in 1980. This was married with another rarity: heavily-peated Dalmore. Alongside these, he used whiskies as fine and varied as Glenfarclas, Mannochmore, Tamnavulin, Old Pulteney. Fettercairn, Jura, Ben Nevis, and Aultmore. The whisky is a wonderful testament to the art of blending, this is a beautiful dram, with extraordinary complexity.
The nose brings lovely aromas of smoked apple pie, raspberry lemonade, lime, cereal sweetness and marmalade. The palate is rich, oily and buttery, with nice smoke throughout. A silky apple syrup dominates, with the citrus rind lending lighter, brightening flavours. Dense and chewy. The finish is yeasty and long, with smoke and cereal sweetness.